Machine Safety Training
Safety professionals involved in a machine’s design, safety assessment or commissioning, should know the applicable machine safety standards for their machines. Machine safety standards vary in scope, industry they apply to, types of machines, types of devices and safety aspects, etc.
The first step to understand which machine safety standards are applicable to a specific machine application or in a region or country, it is critical to start by understanding the framework categorization of standards. ANSI and ISO standards can be categorized into one of the following three different Types of standards
Type A
These types of standards are considered, basic machine safety standards. They provide basic concepts, principles of design and general aspects for machinery
Some examples:
• ANSI B11.0 Safety of machinery
• ISO 12100 Safety of machinery – Risk assessment and risk reduction
Type B
Generic safety standards,
These types of standards provide safety requirements for engineering control devices, safety aspects requirements and proper implementation,
Within ISO only, Type B standards are broken down into two sub Types, B1 and B2, where in ANSI they are all considered as Type B:
ISO Type B1:
Type B1, focuses on the safety aspects of safeguarding devices (safety distance, functional controls, integrated machinery, etc.)
Some examples:
• ISO 13849-1 Safety of machinery – safety related parts of the control system – Part 1
• ISO 13855 Safety of machinery – positioning of safeguards with respect to the approach speeds of parts of the human body
• ISO 13857 Safety of machinery – Safety distances to prevent hazard zones being reached by upper and lower limbs
• ISO 11161 Safety of machinery – integrated manufacturing systems
ISO Type B2
ISO Type B2, focuses on the requirements for the safeguarding device /engineering control device, such as for fixed guards, ESPE (light curtains, laser scanners, etc.) interlocks, two hand control, estop,, etc.
Some examples:
• ISO 14120 Safety of machinery – Guards
• ISO 14119 Safety of machinery – Interlocking devices associated with guards – principles for design and selection
• ISO 13850 – Safety of machinery – Emergency stop function – principles of design.
ANSI does not differentiate between standards that relate to the safety aspect and those that relate to the safeguarding/engineering control devices
Some examples:
• ANSI B11.19 performance requirements for risk reduction measures: Safeguarding and other means of reducing risk
• ANSI B11.20 Safety Requirements for Integrated Manufacturing Systems
• TR RIA15.406 Safeguarding for robots
Type C
Specific machine related safety standards. These are standards written for specific types of machinery and take precedence over other standards when they apply
Some examples:
• ANSI B11.1 Mechanical presses
• ANSI b11.2 Hydraulic presses
• ISO 10218-1 Industrial Robots and Robot Systems – Safety requirements – Part 1: Robot
• RIA 15.06 Industrial Robots and Robot Systems – Safety requirements

DAK offers customized machine safety trainings
Training topics are structured to the specific responsibilities of the trainees, whether it is a company's management, EHS team, engineers, technicians, maintenance, project managers, others to ensure that personnel gain the safety knowledge and ensure a better onsite safety support team.
Periodic and frequent certification trainings to ensure that personnel are continuously growing, maintaining and growing their learnings can as well be scheduled for engineers and safety personnel.
Contact us to discuss your machine safety application